Home monitoring
technology for
safe, independent

Health, housing, and social care services provide life-changing support to those who need it most. However, our ageing population, workforce shortages in health and care, and increasing pressure on public sector budgets are pushing these services to unsustainable levels of demand.

As a provider of health and care technology solutions, MySense can help.


For peace of mind

With health and care staff under increasing pressure and family support being further afield, supporting the vulnerable in our communities is becoming increasingly challenging. MySense, a wellbeing analytics platform, that uses non-intrusive, passive sensors to reassure and inform both professionals and families that individuals are okay, while giving those being cared for the freedom to live independently – without the need for unnecessary check-ins.

stopwatch icon
Relieve pressure on staff
magnify glass with eye icon
Develop proactive capabilities
living room furniture icon
Maintain individuals quality of life
hands around clock icon
Improve response to wellbeing events
phone app icon
Enable technology-driven care
home with heart symbol icon
Reduce primary and community care pressure


Let us support your ambitions

If you’re interested in how MySense can enhance the wellbeing and outcomes for patients/residents and reduce both costs and pressures on your health and social care services, please fill out the form below. We’ll get in touch to explore how we can support your ambitions.

Thanks for signing up! We will be in touch
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