Realtime Data Gives John’s Wife Reassurance He Is OK



Realtime Data Gives John’s Wife Reassurance He Is OK

Illustration Elderly Men Playing Football
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John and Mary have been married for more than 30 years. They are both very social and dedicated to their hobbies.

John loves to play walking football with his friends, but some days he is just too tired. Mary loves a coffee with her friends, but is worried about leaving him at home alone.

His Parkinson’s diagnosis means some days can be unpredictable and it is difficult for them to plan ahead. John wants Mary to enjoy spending time with her friends without feeling guilty. Meanwhile, Mary wants John to feel confident that he is still part of his friends’ team.

“I’m so much happier knowing that Mary can pop out for a bit without worrying about how I’m getting on the whole time. She knows she can look at the dashboard and see realtime updates,” says John.

“John can show his friends his dashboard and they can see he hasn’t been sleeping well or moving around as much this week and book him in for a game in two weeks instead,” says Mary.

“MySense has changed the way we operate on a day to day basis.”

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