Introducing The New MySense App



Introducing The New MySense App

Discover new features with the easy-to-use app for Android and iOS

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We’re pleased to announce the new MySense app. We’ve made supporting your loved ones easier than ever before with a variety of features designed specifically with your needs in mind.

The app now allows you to create your own ‘Circle of Care’. Your circle is composed of loved ones, carers, neighbours, or whoever else you choose to share your wellbeing insight with. The ‘Circle’ tab can be found on the left of the app screen in your menu. From there, you can add and delete your support network.

In addition, you can add a responder to your circle. To do so, you will need their phone number or email. Once your responder receives their unique link, they will need to download and sign up with that token to begin viewing your data.

You and your responders will be able to see your wellbeing in 3 day, 7 days and 28 day views.


In the app, you can now acknowledge events. This helps manage what has been seen and ensure that no events go unnoticed.

Faster account creation and installation

We have also simplified the installation process by creating a step by step guide. On your app, you will find tips, installation instructions, device placement diagrams and helpful videos. You will also be able to scan a QR code to introduce the license key and connect to the Home Hub (Gateway) rather than needing to manually insert lengthy passwords.

Viewing and managing data

Our latest update allows you to analyse activity levels, heart rate, and sleep charts all from any device with greater detail. The new overview page displays resting heart rate, bed time, time spent in bed and time spent in chair.

You will be able to see ‘rolling metrics’ over 3, 7 and 28 days to help understand your behaviours over the course of days and weeks whereas previously, it was limited to two weeks.

The app is available to download on Google Play and the App Store.

Selina Gard
Content Creator

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